Corporation Nurse

Monthly Important Nurse Topics

Illness time is upon us! Please remember your student cannot return to school until:

A.) Fever free for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen

B.) Vomit Free or Diarrhea Free for 24 hours without the use of medication

C.) Pink Eye: 24-48 hours of antibiotics must be in AND the eye cannot be weepy.

D.) Strep Throat: 24 hours of antibiotics must be in before returning to school

Amanda Wheeldon, RN, BSN

Specialized Training/Affiliations:

American Heart Association BLS CPR instructor
American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR instructor Stop the Bleed instructor
Member of the National Association of School Nurses
Member of the Indiana Association of School Nurses
Member of the Crisis Intervention Team

Amanda Wheeldon is a bachelor's prepared registered nurse who holds state certification in Indiana. Previous clinical experiences include acute pediatric care, neonatal intensive care, and neonatal intubation and transport care. Amanda is the school nurse for both Frontier Elementary and Frontier Jr. Sr. High School. Employed with Frontier School Corporation since 2013, Amanda specializes in the care of students with complex medical needs, chronic health conditions, and is a valuable member of the 504 and IEP teams.

Phone Number:

FAX Number:


Office Hours:

8:00 am - 3:30 pm Monday-Friday
Days are alternated between the two schools.

Covid Guidelines:

School Illness Policies

A) Procedure to see the nurse

B) General School Health Policy

C) School Medication Policy

D) School Lice Policy

Important Forms

A) Medication Consent Form

B) Asthma Action Plan Form

C) Field Trip Medication Form