“Going Beyond the Frontier for Every Student, Every Day."
Welcome to Frontier Schools
It is hard to believe we have surpassed the halfway mark of the 2024-25 school year. I am extremely proud of the success we have seen so far this year and I would like to thank the parents, teachers and staff for your role in this…

For Parents
For Students
March 9: Daylight Savings Time
March 12: Frontier Music POPS Night @ 6:00pm
March 14: FES Report Cards
March 19: FES Kindergarten Round-up @ 6:30pm
March 24-28: Spring Break
Latest News

Help Your Child Navigate Emotions
Children aren’t born knowing how to manage their emotions. They don’t always know that their emotions are normal. It is our responsibility as parents to

March Is Reading Month
Reading is celebrated across the nation during March. Frontier has many activities planned in our buildings, but you can also celebrate at home with

Kindergarten Round-Up
If you have a child entering preschool or kindergarten this year, please don’t miss our Round-Up and Information Night on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Please